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敬邀參加圖書館2024春夏「探。在地與國際接軌的悅讀對話」系列活動 Invitation to Join Wenzao Library's Events for Spring and Summer 2024

發布日期 2024-03-19 14:46:00


探。在地與國際接軌的悅讀對話」系列活動,將透過人文講座、圖書特展、推廣活動 (數位、影音、學術、閱讀、自學)、多國語電影賞析等型式,展現如下內容重點:

  1. 舉辦主題書展、文化沙龍、多國語電影賞析、深度閱讀1+1讀書會,以及國際閱讀文化講座,為文藻的學風注入國際化之人文書香。
  2. 聚焦國際的人文跨域對話,藉由「Openbook好書獎特展與講座、「台灣圖書館行動展覽館:馳風行旅特展「國際閱讀文化講座」,與國內外博物館及駐台外交及文化單位攜手合作,推動國際人文教育,延伸與創造圖書館的未來空間。
  3. 融合新科技元素,推廣數位載體,並分享SDGs永續經營的線上資源,提供師生多元與創新的圖書館協作平台。



Dear Wenzaorians,

The Library organizes a series of events with the theme on humanity education and digital applications in library services for Spring 2024. A variety of activities includes film appreciation, lectures and book exhibits on intercultural understanding, multilingual dialogues, and cultural salon.


Through these activities, we aim to promote Wenzao Library's values and services to meet the needs of learning, teaching and research in the eve-changing world. Hope you like our programs!


The Library