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【圖書館】舉辦「SDGs主題資源線上展」,歡迎瀏覽與借閱!Online Exhibition of SDGs Resources, Welcome to visit!

發布日期 2024-04-22 09:52:00

422日是一年一度的世界地球日,為倡導環境保護並響應聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals,簡稱SDGs),文藻圖書館特別整理相關的主題館藏資源,包括紙本圖書、電子書、學位論文等資源連結提供師生借用,期盼能夠幫助大家從中汲取知識、並且實踐SDGs的目標。相關連結:https://reurl.cc/p3mpel


Are you interested in contributing towards a better world? World Earth Day is coming up soon, and the Wenzao Library invites you to participate!

Our online exhibition of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) resources includes various materials, from books and e-books to academic theses. We aim to provide you with the tools to learn about and actively pursue the objectives of the SDGs. Whether you're a student or a faculty member, our exhibition is open to you.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a positive impact on our planet. Visit our exhibition using the following link: https://reurl.cc/p3mpel

The Library