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[公告]2024年7月12日(五)圖書館進行水塔清潔作業, 全日暫停冷氣與供水、廁所停用 Air-Conditioners, Water Supply, and Restrooms Out of Service in the Library on July 12, 2024

發布日期 2024-07-04 09:22:00

《 7月12日(五)圖書館進行水塔清潔作業,全日暫停冷氣與供水、廁所停用 》


《Air-Conditioners, Water Supply, and Restrooms Out of Service in the Library on July 12, 2024》

The Library is scheduled to clean water tanks on Friday, July 12, 2024. Air-conditioners, restrooms and water supply in the building are out of service.

We are sorry for the inconveniences.